Jeli & Sandro – edgy & industrial wedding weekend in Belgrade
Zima je. Nosim veliki crni šešir i u modernom lokalu italijanskog šmeka čekam par sa kojim sam se dopisivala dok je napolju vejao sneg. Gledam u prolaznike i nagađam da li baš ovi mogu biti njih dvoje? Žive u Švajcarskoj, svetski su nomadi novog doba, biraju isključivo specifične brendove i imaju istančan ukus. Žele da njihovo venčanje bude spoj balkanskog šmeka i nordijskog stila, potpuno su odlučni da svoj prefinjeni industrial style dosledno sprovedu na venčanje i domaće tradicionalne elemente pozovu da se pridruže ovoj nesvakidašnjoj wedding estetici.
Stižu. Zanosna plavuša sa puno stila i dečko svetskih manira. Razgovaramo o detaljima i utežemo budžet. Pred nama je organizacija još jednog internacionalnog venčanja, zapravo organizacionijskih i produkcijskih dana, kako onih pre, tako i onih nakon venčanja. Pripremamo sve za dolazak gostiju, pratimo njihove letove, bukiramo hotele, pomažemo oko viza, sve mora biti spremno za coctail party dan pre velikog dana. Jer sutradan nas čeka još zahtevniji dan – dan V, tačka u kojoj se sabiraju svi naši trudovi i momenat u kome ljudi eksplodiraju od oduševljenja frajerskom venčanjima u Srbiji. Još onog trenutka kada sam srela ovaj zanimljivi par bila sam jako motivisana da na oproštajnom doručku na vrhu zgrade, predviđenom za dan nakon venčanja, neobični gosti koji su proputovali svet uzduž i popreko odu iz naše zemlje sa posebnim osećajem. Sa oduševljenjem i nevericom šta sve ova mala zemlja i ovaj skromni tim može da ponudi. Venčanje sa edisonkama, industrijskim cevima, craft Beer bar-om, tropskim zelenilom i uslugom na najvišem mogućem nivou. Frajersko venčanje jedne Jeli i jednog Sandra, sa industrijskim wedding elementima nikad viđenim u našoj zemlji. Da li je izlišno reći da jedva sam ga čekala?
A da se čitav vajb iščekivanja i jedvačekanja da napravimo nešto neviđeno na Balkanu preneo na čitav tim, izlišno je reći. Vredne i kreativne Frajerke bile su i više nego motivisane da svet vidi nešto novo na našim prostorima, jedno potpuno nesvakidašnje venčanje za koje je bilo potrebno dosta hrabrosti i odvažnosti izneti ga na pravi način. Pripremite se da čujete priču o nemačko-balkanskom spoju dvoje ljudi, čiji je dan V postao pojam za neobičnu wedding sagu svetskog, industrijskog pravca.
Jelena, wedding planner: “When I met Jeli as Sandro likes to call her, so we accepted the name, I couldn’t help but notice the determination and confidence with which she approached the organization of her big day. A big challenge? Yes! It was a real challenge to be a magician in front of the bride who knows exactly what she wants, to impress her despite her knowledge, experience and great taste, but that was exactly what inspired me to think outside the box, to think of the innovations and to experiment just as only a wedding planner can do. We traveled the paths from the little craft shops with handmade lady fans, across the urban quarters searching for the best bottles of beverages under the bars of Belgrade’s barmen, all the way to Bosnia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, USA and Colombia, where many guests came from. Was the challenge overcome? For sure! After those three lovely September days, full of sunshine and joy, Jedan Frajer grew to be even bigger expert in its field. Thank you, Jeli and Sandro, for bringing a part of the endgy international spirit to our vibrant city!”
Milica, coordinator of decoration team and scenographer: “Jelena & Sandro blond fairy lady her beloved guardian. From the first encounter they knew exactly what they want which led us to create their perfect fairytale. J&S were there to spread the sails and we had the task to blow the wind of ideas and creativity to steer the ship in the right direction. This wedding was a challenge for itself because we as a team always strive for new and never seen before moments. Every department of decoration team had a unique task in front of them. Our lightning team created unique experience using only Edison light bulbs. They also designed and built 3 unique lamps by recycling old parts and created art of its own kind. We created blend of bohemian and Industrial style where the whole place reminded on an old pharmaceutic lab where the most beautiful flowers and greenery is grown. Newlyweds table with all the bottles in different shapes and sizes filled with greenery and flowers. On every table there was a collection of apothecary bottles and candles. For the first time we had craft beer bar where our organization team managed to bring a beer tap so our newlyweds and their guests can have the whole experience. 2200 is the number of nails used for 3 letters on BAR sign used for this corner. We can write about this wedding numerous pages but we chose these things to write about because thanks to Jelena & Sandro we have pushed ourselves even further in every way and we have set the bar high in decoration field.”
Kristina, wedding coordinator: “Wow! What a challenge? How to be perfect in organization during three days wedding saga? Maybe cloning? Just kidding, but you need to be fan of creative solutions. Working as a wedding planner really brings so many incredible people, situations and feelings in your life. And this time I had an unique opportunity to be a caretaker of Jelena and Sandro’s wedding joy. There is a nice line between keeping all elements on your mind, thinking about wedding protocol and enjoying in stunning atmosphere of this event. In that Shiva mood I was always catching first their smiles, sincere-childish dance, family deep hugs. And exactly those emotions were keeping me on a good track. Even at 3 AM :D. So, the party was good, DJ was crazy, dawn in the venue across Kalemegdan was spectacular! And, most importantly, Jelena and Sandro were the greatest dancers with hearts full of beautiful feelings. Thank you guys, because you directed an unrepeatable story. It was a pleasure to be in your full cast & crew.”
Onog trena kada smo prihvatile poziv na ples sa Jelenom i Sandrom, nismo ni slutile koliko će numera za ples biti brza i zahtevati koreografiju na nivou jednog plesnog virtuoza. Okreti, promene i poskakivanja u miksu ritma veselog Balkana i sofisticiranog Zapada bili su akrobatika pre čijeg se nastupa znoje dlanovi, ali posle koga se sa najvećim zadovoljstvom poklonite publici i hranite se ružama koje publika baca na scenu. I, verujte nam, da ste bili u našim plesnim cipelama, osetili biste mešavinu uzbuđenja i adrenalina dok smo klizili lagano mesecima po tom plesnom podijumu.
Kada se numera završila i ples umirio, gledajući sve te ljude, mogli smo samo da budemo ispunjeni osmesima svih gostiju kojima smo pokazali onu lepšu i krativniju stranu Srbije. Svesne toga da malim koracima menjamo sliku o zemlji “trećeg sveta” u koju samo odvažni dolaze, imamo još veću odgovornost, ali i ogromno izazovno zadovoljstvo, da sledeći put, do sledeće prilike i nekog novog venčanja, budemo bolji i inovativniji od svega što se sinonimno za Balkan vezuje. Jer ova zemlja krije potencijalne dragulje, samo kada imate prave pronalazače da vam na njih skrenu pažnju i uglancaju ih da bljesnu punim sjajem.
Do sledećeg venčanja i novih izazova,
grle vas Frajerke!
Organizacija, scenografija, stilizacija i dekoracija: Jedan frajer i bidermajer
Fotografija: Nikola Marinković
fothe predivne, tema predobra, i konačno mladoženja u nekom drugačijem odelu, ovo je sve meni tako super, oduševljena sam.
Fotografije su predobre. Ja sam nekako pobornik ovog vintage stila, pa se odusevim kada vidim da neko ide malo manje modernom rutom.